Sunday, May 31, 2009


 Well Nate left today for Colorado, Jon is in route and I still have 30 days to go!!!!! Need to work,work,work until then and cant wait to be able to spend 12 days bouldering with no limitations .  I have alot to do and have a short list of problems i want to tick
1. Cage Free V11
2. The nothing v8
3. The Amendment V10
4. Dali v9
5. Gorillas in the mist V10
6. Silverback v10
7. Bierstadt v9/10

Im also excited to discover new lines (to me) and have projects for the following summer as this trip is officially tradition!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Went to Thorns sit today with Nate and eric and didnt send but here are some pics of the main event....its SHARP!!!! Still I want to do it and cant wait for the next sess on this line

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fall Temps in KING manana

Yeah.......ohhhhh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well its been a minute or two since I updated the blog.....what can I say...I have been working....been bored ..been chillin....been gymin...been thinkin!!!!!!! Thinkin about what you say?  THORNS SIT!  I have been dreaming of the chance to have killer temps creep back in so I (or nate) can murder this rig! 
Update Tommorow!
