Saturday, July 25, 2009

 its a little late and the same as rami's blog update however here it is..........

After we landed and waited an extra hour for my pad to arrive we swept up the rental car and headed to clear creek canyon to Animal V10......this thing is rad!!!!! The water is raging class 6 rapids, so loud you could barely hear me murder this rig in less than 2hrs.....shortly after I only thought it was fair to my pad to let it surf these beautiful water lines......I mean really after all your pad does for you....shouldnt we treat them a little better?  My pad murdered the white water and had to eddy before he got sea sick.
Sick run bra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy bday to me and we peaced out for boulder.........

Yeah like everybody either climbs, bikes,australian rappells or walks their dog here.

Anyway we went to Nates...aka the hilton on the hill and let me tell you the accomidations were lovely!!!!!! I stayed in the upper level suite with my pad....he was still all wet from his send of the upper class 6 rapid send and this made for an interesting nites sleep. I drank like 3 big beers from the liquor mart and went to nite nite after crushing at fooseball at Max's crib.
We woke up the next day and chilled at the coffee shop for a minute or 2 and headed to Rmnp with Dave and Carolyn Nate and Brian ....The Brian voges!!!!!!!!!!! The hike was bad but not crazy bad....

The view
We went to the Gobot v11 area and warmed up on the classic autobot v5........this thing was super good and a little scary....basically if you fell you would tumble down a sloped boulder to a scabed up ass casm. After this we went over to the Marble V12 which has a V10 start that I did all the moves on but didnt link....I want to go back for this one $ sure. Checked out Handicapps,deep puddle dynamics and Tommys arete ...all good stuff.

Da crew

We headed to Denver to hook up with Kevin Brown and crash at his crib. While we were there we checked out his new gym he opened up with Lee Payne in denver 
.....The DBC...................................Thats The Denver Bouldering Club!!!
It was rad and I set a v6 boulder problem to leave my mark.

Next we wanted to go check out Mt.Evans area B

Mt Evans

We warmed up on the ladder v2.....and I did makers mark v5 second go. We headed over to Bierstadt v10. This thing is rad, I got to the last move first go and never sent....booooooooo!

Bierstadt......with the beaver face!

Next we headed up the hill to Dali V9...also very rad line I sent quickly and considered it soft for 9 but very cool


All in all a good trip ...going back soon to send the Marble, Bierstadt,Deep puddle,and Cage free.
I miss the area already... its very safe to say that im going back in august for a long weekend to send and also check out the Denver area for housing as we are looking to make a move with our company and ourselves.

Respect the Yukon!!!!
