Monday, September 14, 2009

THE Fern V10?!!!......#######

Oh yeah.....
The hike to Sassafras is well worth the prime stone to be had! Nice little river in the middle of the hike....... and .......steep smoggy misty uphill....and then 20 minutes .....and then you are there!! No really its good.....
The Feather V7...this thing is so cool. Jug start , then big move to a right hand crimp and then pause match with the left hand or just jump for crimp and mantle!!!
The Fern V10... was very has a fern growing in the middle of the problem and we all(Eric, Steph and I) took it very seriously...Do Not Touch the is special!!!!!
Twice Upon a timeV10... is next......
Flagyl after ...Im also phyched for Teamwork
This 10, Tens thing is rad!!!!!!


  1. HAHA!!!
    Dont touch the Fern!
    10 Tens is goin down Yo!!!

  2. I think the problem you are refering to as the fern is actually called Jedi Mind Trick. also, have you guys been doing the fern by starting with a double tow hook at the lip then matching hand to toe? If so that is a different problem... just curious... well done on the crush fest so far. 10 10's!!!

  3. I ment the Feather is called "Jedi Mind Trick"

    My B.

    Psyched to see the Moores short you guys are gonna shoot!


