Monday, October 19, 2009

Louder Than 11

So yesterday Nate Draughn, Rami Annab, and myself had the pleasure of giving Jordan Shipman(owner and operator of LT11) the tour of Moores Wall bouldering. The day started off for me at knew that I had to get up at 530am but woke up at 4am and just couldnt get back to sleep. I had alot on my mind...Work....little crazy right now as well as the filming we would be doing that day. I had injured my neck about 8yrs ago and it was pretty rough...herniated c7 disk...ouch...outta the game for 6 months and hating the down time. So in the gym setting for the latest comp at TRC I felt that same tweak on a dyno it had been 8yrs with no hint of the neck drama...but now it reared its ugly head or neck.......ouch. Was I going to be able to send for the camera? FOR HOLLYWOOD? HAHA>>>>
Was I going to be mid crux and my neck explode? So many stupid thoughts were racing around my foggy mind. Anyway its like I said 4am and im up like drinking coffee, feeding Lilly....she is looking at me with such disgust....why are we up eating at 4am...that look?! So I do lots of coffee and hit the road, getting to the food lion in King at about 725am to meet up with the boys.
Its maybe 40 degrees and the wind is blowing and I had to drink half a bottle of Pepto Bismol.....because ....well....ummmm....things were not looking good for being athletic!....stomach?....neck?
We had to shoot alot of entry scenes which was fun ...Zoe Wilson....Jordans girl... also has A it was double rover intro...nice! We headed down to the North End first Nate was being filmed on Orange Crush sit V10. This rig is rough.....solid V10....very cool compression moves on steep arete. Nate had to warm up on this really! It went very well and Nate completed the filming there rather quickly(2hrs). Next it was over to VANDAL sit V9....this was the line that I would be featured doing......Neck? Stomach? Cmon...give me a break.
Rami and I bush wacked thru to the Valley and got to Vanadal about 10 minutes ahead of the film crew...brushed up the holds....and since it had been a while since the FA of Vandal I had to recall my beta. Holds cleaned and chalked, beta revived.....fuck you stomach and piss off neck....IM READY. Every thing was going to go my way right?
One scary slip off the later 3rd of the problem(no spotters allowed) scraped up my elbow alittle, but after that all went well and we wrapped up the filming of Vandal and my neck hung in there. Next we went down to Tsunami V8 and Rami killed it like 5 times in a row and thats that.....Moores short coming out next month ...maybe on Deadpoint Mag site as well as LT11.....phyched.
After we enjoyed a few beers and Mexican food at MI PUEBLO in king. Very tasty food ...I was impressed. Oh I almost forgot to mention after meeting Jordan and Zoes dog...I want a greyhound...they rock.
Other Highlights
Jared ande Eric did Busta V8...werd up

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