Monday, October 19, 2009

WERD! first post to the GROUP BLOG!!! Moore's wall yesterday. first time for this season and it was pretty good. kinda cold, a little damp but still good. didn't really have an agenda except for Steph wanting to do some work on Hidden In Plain Veiw. can you say high-ball! BAWSSE! shiz it like 30ft high. scary i think plus it has a semi-talus landing. no bueno tio. she worked out all the beta to about 10ft or so. needs another scout out and more pads and i think it will go. pre-spray FFA! I screwed around on Busta V8, one of Rodney's rigs from back in the day. i always thought it looked cool but DAMN it looked hard. really small hold for you left hand, maybe 1/4 pad crimp. oh, and down sloping. tried Rodney's beta for a few tries and was like nope. i'm gonna move on. then Steph was like "try a right heal hook." hummm... 4 0r five goes later Donde! really fun problem. my fingers hurt today. Jared sent right after i did for the "1-2" oh, Jared worked on Masterlock V9 a bit too and i shot a few photos. Addam also did Big Up V6. it was touch and go there for a sec. his skin was fading fast due to the sharpness of the route but he sent and made it his bitch. swole.

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