Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday Boone Session

Went to Boone yesterday and it was so good. The temps were perfect maybe 65 to 70 and the sky was a perfect shade of blue. Fall is so sick....I have such a hard time with deciding if which is better fall/spring? The trees in Boone are looking very nice also , nearing full color already reds,yellows,greens...beautiful! It did seem like there was a little rain the day before however things had dried up nicely.
We started off at Sassafras so that Alison could try both The feather v7 and The Fern v7/8(stand) also I wanted to give Vortex some goes as well, while Eric just wanted to run laps on everything haha. Alsion was very close on The Feather....all she needs to do now is go back and do it. She also broke the ice on The Fern stand and figured out some good beta!
The Fern

I got very close to doing Vortex...all I need to do is go back and complete this line...I fell or gave up rather at the top because its so dirty ...will bring wire brush and clean it up for the send next weekend...very phyched...its a little scary but fun.

Next we bounced to Gma and I had really wanted to actually try Teamwork because it was wet everytime I had been to Gma in the last month...seriously always wet. Eric and Alison wanted to do Have guns so they headed down to the Great Roof area while I went over to Teamwork. Guess what? It was wet again..@1^#^&%@#&@$#@#%@*%#*@%#@&%#&@%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luckily the starting holds and the sloper for the first move were I was able to do the first part and get my beta ready for when it is dry...its way better than it looks....I have to let my feet cut on the first move and hold it to get the right foot up to the crimp and then toe hook...very phyched to do this....hopefully I can do the mantle!
Then after trying Teamwork I went down to hook up with those guys and they were both close to sending...eric was doing keep traveling V9 and allison regular have guns V7. Have Guns

Next I gave Sunday Service V11 some goes....ouch this rig is rough...I got to the dyno first go but never made any more progress, not sure if i can do the dyno move its crazy,need some beta....Nate? Then......ummmm......I had been looking at Masochist for like 6 months before and well never felt like sacking up and getting on this V10 break a leg highball on the far left tall side of the great scared! It involves a big first move off a sharp but good left and and a side pull/undecling for your right...high step the right foot and pull on to go big to a sick... Cant wait to go back many projects now


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