Monday, October 26, 2009

Next time...

Went to G ma today. Solo. Kinda. Met up with my homie Pat Goodman. He showed me a boulder that I had never seen before. Cool face climbing on small crimps. Not my thing but still cool. Really tall. Maybe 25ft or so. The first 10ft, tiny holds. The next 15 the big ones. BTW funny how jugs can feel so small when your afraid. Pat showed a line to me that he said hadn't been done. DONDE! Silly sit to a jug then to a good side pull with your right, big move to a tiny left backhand. Fight a weird barn door. Stab a big slot with your right, match and top it out. FA! holla. I called it, "Success is like suicide" thank you Jay Z. V5/6 I guess. Last time out was kinda bad for me. Didn't have a good day. Too much CROSSFIT! Very sore. No core tension, lats weak, pecs hurtin'. Worked/Flailed on Machismo V8, which needs all of those muscles. Today was much different. Almost murdered it first go. WHUT. It was kinda wet at the top which sucked. next time. Headed up to the Mighty Mouse boulder. Pat showed me this other problem on it called Space Cat V8. Shits cool! Never even seen this thing before. After Pat hooked me the beta i went to work. Cool start, slappy moves, heel hook, and a huge go again to a hard match on a bad sloper. High foot and your out kinda thing. Holla at me if you wanna know beta. Its worth it. We both almost sent but once time. We were getting tired so we thought a different style of climbing would be better for us so we headed down to Have Guns Keep Traveling V9. Crimpy traverse. Duh. I pretty much HIKED it to the rest jug. Then, FAIL. Tank was on empty. Sigh. I worked on the hard no feet campus part and it felt kinda easy considering it being the end of the day. Oh time. If the weather holds out for the weekend I should have a pretty good time.

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